Mountains Fencing Club Inc.
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Documents and policies
Club constitution
MFC has been an incorporated association since 2010. The Club's constitution applies to all members, including parents/guardians of young members.
The Club’s coaching team is solely responsible for all fencing activities, including the safety of all participants, and have a special role in modelling and fostering MFC culture. In matters of fencing and safe participation, the Club’s coaching team has authority over all members and visitors during Club activities. For further information please see the Club's Coaching Charter.
When correct equipment is worn and safe conduct is observed, fencing is a very safe sport. In matters of fencing, all people training, fencing or visiting MFC must follow the guidance of the Club's coaches and senior members. Mountains Fencing Club is guided by the Equipment and Safety policy of NSWFA, the sport's state body.
Member protection
MFC is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all its members. Member protection starts with the Club's code of conduct and is the responsibility of all members, volunteers and parents/guardians.
The Club is especially conscious of child protection. If a risk or an instance of child abuse or neglect is noticed by any club member, parent/guardian this can be brought to the attention of MFC Coaches at the training session, reported to the Club's Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) or reported directly to the NSW Police Force on 000, the NSW Police Assistance Line on 131 444 and the Community Services Child Protection Helpline 133 627. The MFC MPIO can be contacted by email.
For further information please see the Club's Member Protection Policy.